
The hymns in this category have lyrics adapted from the writings of various saints, are about saints. Here I also include the Marian hymns, suitable for various feast days as well as generally for a recessional at any Mass.

Joseph, the Shining Glory of the Heavens

Weep Not for Me, O Mother

This hymn commerates Mary as the Woman who keeps hope alive over the course of Holy Saturday, as Jesus lies…

Jesus You Are the Virgin's Crown

This hymn uses the music of St. Hildegard of Bingen, for a text adapted into English from St. Amborse by…

I Will Praise You, Holy Francis

This 20 verse ballad celebrates St. Francis wonderful and unique life, summarising the main events from before his conversion to…

O God of Truth

This hymn takes the words of St. Ambrose of Milan and adds the invocation in Hebrew: "Yeshua Maranatha" (Come Lord…

O Cross, Our Only Trophy

This familiar tune makes this hymn very accessible for Parish singing. It is especially appropriate for the feast of the…

O Cross, Our Only Hope

This lilting music in the Mixolydian Mode (Mode VII) gives the impression of a ballade or love-song to the Holy…

You Are Our Unique Refuge

In this song, we entrust ourselves to Mary in our unworthiness. The sinner finds in her a unique refuge and…

The King Is Your Bridegroom

This song celebrates a nun becoming the bride of Christ at her profession or renewal of vows, and emphasises the…
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